Monday 9 April 2012

Start week 8

The past week has been both very positive and annoyingly negative for me. But as of today I'm feeling good :)

My shoulder / back have both been very painful - not sure exactly what I've done, a chiro I saw thinks I have inflammation where my spinal fluid is?!  So this week I didn't do any of my classes and rested all Easter weekend long - only walked.  I think this has been helpful as I'm feeling slightly better today - hopefully my classes won't aggravate it this week - my fingers are crossed! I'm seeing my myo/masseuse this Friday so hopefully she can help me further too.

I have also committed to compete this September as part of the MBS team - so excited!  They do a number of competitions throughout September and you need to qualify to move onto the next comp (state, interstate, international!).  Official dieting starts June 20 so I still have some freedom in what goes in my gob until then :P  Next week I will have a pre comp 'viewing' by my trainer (bit embarrassing!) where I need to wear a bikini so she can look over my physique to see the areas we need to work on - the more time we have apparently the better, so I'm keen to get that underway :)  My trainer is very excited for me as she say's she has high hopes for me and is confident I will do well - apparently I have the genetics for this sport which is exciting!

So this will be the first sport I have ever competed in! I have never done any sport ever before - so I'm excited to actually start :D