Thursday 1 March 2012

End Day 11

Haven't posted in a few days but things have been good - on track, but just too sleepy - staying off the laptop and trying to relax a little before bed.  Eating has been spot on however cravings are getting BAD! Found myself eating more sweet combos (berry protein smoothies or with yoghurt) and I have a very strong desire to drink the dreaded alcohol (my beloved cocktails and frozen daiquiris)!  Trying to stay out of grog shops as well as milk bars (as I would kill for a bag of mixed lollies right now).... But this too shall pass and we worth the resistance!  I keep telling myself that if I cave in then my body won't make the changes I want it to meaning all this logging out in the gym and travelling for 2 hours a day will be worthless!  There's an idea - if you want to hold yourself accountable make big sacrifices and then you feel obliged to stay strong :P  Haven't weighed myself this week (yet) as I'm trying to stay off the scales knowing that changes will not be as big as last week - I am thinking however of having my own weigh/measure on Sunday to keep myself focussed this weekend and just check-in on my progress.

Have done all my required exercise this week and should do as long as I do my PT tomorrow (quads and tri's), my WOW on Saturday and Sh'Bam Sat arvo.

Until next post, over and out :P

1 comment:

  1. Just caught up on ya blog, sounds a bit like mine, me want some lollies real bad... but not worth it for a few minutes of pleasure on the buds! Good to see you haven't caved tho, you is wella strong :) have a good weekend hot stuff xx
