Sunday 4 March 2012

Week 2 - bye bye!

Two weeks down already!  From going through the motions of these challenges before I know how quickly they go so my respect for every workout and every meal is high.  I just have to remind myself daily as sometimes I forget pretty quickly :P  I've been 'lil scared to blog seeing how many times my page gets 'viewed' and now being aware that some people know my weaknesses - I'm sure because I'm not promoting it (because I don't want it public) I don't have as many views as other peoples blogs, but I guess because I'm using the blog as my accountability tool, it’s to air both my clean and dirty laundry - therefore I fear I am being judged.

Even though I am a PT and instructor it doesn't mean I have all the will power in the world, if I did it wouldn't be a 'challenge' for me.  In this industry you'll find that the majority of PT's / instructors have a background in their own weight loss, eating disorders and overtraining to control their weight - that's why a lot of us get into the industry - because we have a respect for how hard it is emotionally and physically and we want to help other people overcome it - even if we haven't fully overcome our own issues previously. I am still working on myself and my own issues with food and exercise amoungst other things.  So this blog is not intended to be an 'inspiration' to people - it's more a story of my own 12 week journey, and me using this 'blogger' as my accountability tool along the way.

Just needed to get that off my chest to help me continue on here :)

This week I was aiming for 2 cheats - I had 4 :(     I didn't have any alcohol :)    But I did secretly have 4 tablespoons of peanut butter in my car :(   (how very sad is that - didn't want to be seen, so I snuck it in whilst out shopping... then felt instantly guilty and throughout the jar straight away) - LAME!  Made me feel like sh!t (and seriously - it's only peanut butter but its the whole principal of the issue - I'm only cheating myself, and sneaking around eating it like a drug user? I mean seriously!).  So... haven’t been the happiest with this week's cheats but it's not the end of the world!  Was going to do my measurements today but due to my 4 cheats this week I'm afraid they won’t be as great as I first anticipated.  I know I'm being hard on myself but that's my brain and how it's always been! 

Next week I am aiming for no cheats Mon-Fri, and then Saturday I have an engagement party to go to (in which I plan to enjoy myself with food and drink and not obsess about it all day), then back on the horse on Sunday.  So I think this Friday I'll get my handsome husband to do my measurements to see where I'm at.  I think by Friday I'll be better prepared mentally :)


  1. Love this blog Elise, although i think your amazing. Its so nice to see that even PT's can go through shit that ive been going through. Sneaking food, welcome to my world as well. :) So proud of you to put this out there. Its hard letting others know your weakness, but you know what. It makes me luv you even more!!! Stay Strong someone amazing has told me! ;) Together we can do this! Im happy to share my platinum with you gorgeous! xx

  2. P.S Get those placemats out!!! Even one in your car missy!!! lol
    Isnt is scary how many ppl view your blog. Very scarry!!

  3. Thank you for your lovely comments Sandie - you're a sweetie! And I'm a well-seasoned food sneaker don't you worry about that :P Just need to stay strong to stop it from happening again, and again. Thank you for your support and words of encouragement - means a lot - love your work chick xx

    PS - I think most of my traffic comes from your blog (according to the blogger stats!) - there's no hiding on here hey :P
